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Australians see spike in mobile marketing, Attentive revenue up 125%


Brands in Australia are increasingly turning to mobile marketing to engage with their customers through personalised and interactive communications. Companies such as July, Ghanda, Designstuff, Hey Bud, Lounge Lovers, Kat the Label, and Ultra Football have adopted these strategies, experiencing significant growth in customer engagement and revenue.

Attentive, a mobile marketing platform, has reported a 125% increase in revenue growth in Australia since entering the market in 2023. Over 200 brands are now using Attentive's services to communicate with their customers. This surge is attributed to the growing demand for unified SMS and email marketing solutions, which rely on AI-powered, real-time data analytics to create personalised user experiences.

"Australia is continuing to experience strong, steady growth in e-commerce, increasing opportunities for brands to send personalised and interactive messages that deliver truly one-to-one experiences," said Zach Hotchkiss, Regional VP of APAC at Attentive. "Our growth in the market is a testament to the significant value that shoppers and brands are experiencing in a more targeted SMS approach. As companies look to gain a competitive edge, we're helping marketers reimagine personalisation in the AI age by providing cutting-edge tools that will deliver the highest performance."

Consumer interest in mobile marketing in Australia is substantial. Over 87% of consumers are interested in or have already subscribed to receive text messages from brands. This trend is aiding Attentive's expansion in the local market, marking a shift towards more direct and customised communication methods.

Brands such as July have found the implementation process with Attentive straightforward and beneficial. "Getting started with Attentive was so easy. Their customer success team supported us every step of the way, ensuring a smooth migration and providing strategic guidance and hands-on support to make our SMS programme as unique as each customer," said Lachi Agnew, Head of Technology at July. Highlighting a successful campaign, Agnew noted, "One of our first projects was a 10-part EOFY campaign, segmented and personalised for multiple audiences, which resulted in an overall conversion rate of 8.6%, with our high-intent shopper segment achieving a 16.9% conversion rate."

Hey Bud's Co-Founder, Ollie Watts, also praised the platform, stating, "What sets Attentive apart from other vendors is their exceptional service, which has significantly enhanced our SMS programme, boosted revenue, and fostered customer loyalty. The Attentive sign-up unit and welcome journey alone have driven a remarkable increase in revenue and SMS conversion rates. With SMS, we've become more responsive to customer behaviour. For example, our FOMO campaign targeting recent purchasers achieved a 36% revenue increase compared to campaigns sent through our previous SMS provider."

Matthew Harrison, Content and Campaigns Specialist at Designstuff, expressed satisfaction with the conversational nature of SMS marketing. "When done right, SMS allows us to engage with our customers in a friendlier, more conversational way, almost like chatting with old friends and something we weren't able to achieve as effectively before. We're excited to experiment with Attentive's AI-powered tools to boost our efficiency and create highly personalised experiences for our customers," he said.

Sven Lindell, Head of Marketing & Digital Trade at Lounge Lovers, shared similar sentiments. "SMS allows us to have a more immediate and targeted relationship with our customers. For example, when we wanted to significantly increase our sofa sales during the last End of Financial Year Sales, we used SMS to target high-potential customers within our CRM programme, resulting in more than 700 sofa sales attributed to SMS. Our Attentive subscribers have responded very well to the programme, which has driven 55x ROI in the past year," Lindell explained.

Attentive offers multi-product capabilities and advanced AI innovations that enable brands to consolidate their SMS and email communications into one unified platform. This integration enhances performance on owned channels, helping brands coordinate their triggered and campaign emails more seamlessly. The platform's AI tools allow for the creation of bespoke shopping journeys, leveraging real-time data analytics to deliver highly personalised customer experiences.

The use of Attentive's AI technology provides significant benefits. By building a rich identity graph, brands gain deep insights that facilitate timely and personalised engagement. The AI automation optimises various facets of messaging—audience, content, timing, and destination—ensuring maximum performance. For brands, this translates to an average revenue lift of 124%, according to Attentive's data.

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