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METI stories - Page 67

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How you can bolster cybersecurity in the IoT era
Fri, 1st Dec 2017
IoT will be present in 95% of electronic products for new product designs by 2020 - this means we need to make some drastic cybersecurity changes.
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New SD-WAN tech helps companies connect to clouds & data centers faster
Mon, 27th Nov 2017
network infrastructure
Connection methods include data center to data center, office to office, cloud to cloud as well as data center or office to cloud.
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Digging the red planet with JCB Pioneer Mars
Thu, 23rd Nov 2017
digital entertainment
British machinery giant JCB leaps into the gaming world with JCB Pioneer Mars, blending Mars survival with construction simulation.
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Hands-on review: Disneyland Adventures is not the happiest place on Earth
Wed, 22nd Nov 2017
digital entertainment
Disneyland is often referred to as the 'Happiest Place On Earth'. Sadly, you'll be doing a lot of frowning if you choose to play Disneyland Adventures.
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Interview: CA Technologies talks privileged access management
Tue, 21st Nov 2017
application security
CA Technologies has highlighted its increased focus on security, as part of its mission to enable what it calls the Modern Software Factory.
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Silver Peak's CEO shares his tech predictions for 2018
Tue, 21st Nov 2017
network infrastructure
As SD-WAN hits mainstream, the largest independent SD-WAN vendors will likely be in a position to pursue an initial public offering.
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10 things business leaders need to know about digital transformation
Thu, 16th Nov 2017
digital transformation
analyst report
An expert from Epicor Software discusses the intricacies of digital transformation and the difficult choices businesses will need to make.
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How to ensure the availability of your network before DDoS strikes
Mon, 13th Nov 2017
network infrastructure
Ensuring network availability before a DDoS attack is crucial for business continuity, preventing customer disruption and safeguarding your brand’s reputation.
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Six steps to finding the ideal network monitoring solution
Mon, 13th Nov 2017
network infrastructure
Ever since the early days of networking, IT security has been top of mind for IT administrators - and today, that’s never been more true.
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Hands-on review: Super Lucky's Tale platforms jumps onto the Xbox One
Sat, 11th Nov 2017
digital entertainment
Super Lucky's Tale is the newest platform game to be released on the Xbox One. Unlike Cuphead however, this game is easier to play.
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Pokemon Go developer now making a new Harry Potter mobile video game
Thu, 9th Nov 2017
digital entertainment
The developer of the famous Pokemon Go game is now making another game based on a famous franchise. This time, Niantic is tackling Harry Potter.
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Exclusive interview: A Fuji Xerox IoT expert on the ethics of ambient intelligence
Tue, 7th Nov 2017
ar, vr & metaverse
Many of our research projects are never used in products or solutions, sometimes because the technology is just too early for the market.
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Hands-on review: The Nokia 8
Mon, 6th Nov 2017
Nokia 8 impresses with a sharp 5.3-inch display, robust camera setup, and smooth performance, despite its lofty price tag.
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The surprising secrets of firewalls - can yours do these tricks?
Mon, 6th Nov 2017
network monitoring
If your CEO complains that the business news videos are choppy, it could be that you have a bandwidth-management policy for all streaming video.
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Hands-on review: Assassin's Creed Origins takes us to Egypt
Fri, 3rd Nov 2017
digital entertainment
It's been ten years since Ubisoft introduced us to the first Assassin's Creed. The series now heads to Egypt with Assassin's Creed Origins.
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Spark extends mobile coverage for the summer months
Thu, 2nd Nov 2017
As soon as summer comes around, Kiwis all over NZ pack up their bags and get the heck away from cities, which is why Spark has made its move.
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Sony reveals new The Last of Us Part II trailer and more at Paris Games Week
Tue, 31st Oct 2017
digital entertainment
Sony arguably showcased bigger trailers and announcements at Paris Games Week than E3 this year. A big reveal is a new trailer for The Last of Us 2.
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Internet of Energy: Vector uses AI to democratise energy for Aucklanders
Tue, 31st Oct 2017
datacentre infrastructure
power / energy
Vector partners with mPrest to develop an AI system to manage Auckland's electricity network and meet the city's evolving energy needs.
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Fulton Hogan ramps up workplace learning with virtual reality
Tue, 31st Oct 2017
it training
ar, vr & metaverse
fulton hogan
Fulton Hogan turns to VR for staff training, using a VR Boil Out app to recreate realistic scenarios without risk.
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In depth: A lawyer's perspective on ethical hacking & penetration testing in Asia
Thu, 26th Oct 2017
breach prevention
What is‘ethical hacking’ in an organisation and are there any grey areas in the law? We sat down with RHTLaw Taylor Wessing’s Jack Ow to find out.