METI stories - Page 63

The top five best Xbox One exclusives released so far
Tue, 1st May 2018
digital entertainment
Last week we took a lot at some of the best PS4 exclusives that you can buy right now. Today, we do the same thing but for all of you Xbox One owners.

The differences and similarities between Fortnite Battle Royale and PUBG
Fri, 27th Apr 2018
digital entertainment
personal computing devices
The Battle Royale genre started heating up last year thanks to the release of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds (PUBG). After that, Fortnite came out...

Hands-on review: Impact Winter forces you to survive for 30 days
Tue, 24th Apr 2018
digital entertainment
Imagine yourself living in the near future where another brutal 'Ice Age' has swept across the entire Earth and your only hope is in 30 day's time.

New one-week accelerator aims to derisk ventures faster
Mon, 23rd Apr 2018
zeropoint ventures
ZeroPoint Ventures launches 0.Sprint, a one-week 'mini-accelerator' programme to help startups fail faster and make quicker decisions.

Skyrim VR comes to the PC
Mon, 23rd Apr 2018
digital entertainment
PC players finally get to play the eight-year-old Skyrim in virtual reality. Is one of the most ported games of all time worth another go?.

Anatomy of an outage: Understanding the lifecycle of downtime
Thu, 19th Apr 2018
cloud services
business continuity
Businesses face high costs and risks with outages, impacting operations and reputation; understanding all stages is key.

6 ways your manual payroll system could be increasing your risk profile
Thu, 19th Apr 2018
cloud services
Using a manual payroll system? You're likely boosting your risk profile. Here are six reasons why an automated, cloud-based system is essential.

Review: God of War is another masterpiece on PS4
Tue, 17th Apr 2018
digital entertainment
The new God of War on PS4 is both a sequel and a reboot that takes the series into the new generation and it's another masterpiece.

The trick to unified comms deployments in a VDI environment
Mon, 16th Apr 2018
Rolling telephony, video conferencing, messaging and other comms services into the one package is a smart way to take control of business tools.

Exclusive interview: Microsoft drives intelligent edge with Azure Stack
Fri, 13th Apr 2018
hybrid cloud
edge computing
Microsoft is bringing cloud-like capabilities to businesses that need to store data on-prem or at the edge with Azure Stack.

The Internet of Broken Things? Seven key facts about IoT
Wed, 11th Apr 2018
While most ransomware attacks currently infiltrate an organisation via email, IoT presents a new delivery system for both mass and targeted attacks.

Review: Does MLB The Show 18 hit a home run?
Mon, 9th Apr 2018
digital entertainment
MLB The Show 18 has now been released on the PS4 and is the newest addition to the popular series. Is this year's version worth buying?.

How to get SMBs to take their cybersecurity seriously
Mon, 9th Apr 2018
email security
Barracuda’s APJ sales VP sat down to explain how he sees the NZ SMB security market and how partners can go about helping them stay safe.

New report delves deep into cybercrime - and forecasts its future
Fri, 6th Apr 2018
breach prevention
Now in its tenth year, Trustwave has released its encyclopaedic report that details both current and future threats that are crucial to be aware of.

Cloud security alert - why log files are not the answer
Thu, 5th Apr 2018
cloud security
network visibility
Anyone responsible for IT security needs a strategy for monitoring what is happening in their company’s cloud.

NBN CEO Bill Morrow to step down before the end of the year
Wed, 4th Apr 2018
NBN CEO Bill Morrow will step down by year-end after leading the organisation for nearly five years, saying it's the right time to move on.

Hands-on review: Fight a deadly cult in Far Cry 5
Wed, 4th Apr 2018
digital entertainment
Ubisoft has now released Far Cry 5 for PC, PS4 and Xbox One and players will have to defend themselves against a very deadly cult!.

Connectivity and the city: Monitoring on the world stage
Tue, 3rd Apr 2018
smart cities
For just this reason, all eyes (and CCTV cameras) are about to be on the city of the Gold Coast in Queensland for the Commonwealth Games.

Lenovo’s reseller incentive programme makes a splash
Thu, 29th Mar 2018
partner programmes
partner awards
Lenovo’s Hooked on Lenovo programme took 28 resellers and partners to Great Barrier for the 8th incentive event, featuring competitive fishing.

57% of enterprises suspect their mobile workers have been hacked
Wed, 28th Mar 2018
personal computing devices
iPass has released the results of a survey that sought to determine how companies are dealing with the trade-off between security and mobile workers.